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4 Secrets to Ultimate Seminar Success

Seminars are the best way to educate a large number of people in a short amount of time. You establish yourself as an expert, gain immediate rapport with your audience, and set yourself up for closing a considerable amount of business.

In this post you will find Plum’s four tried and true secrets to holding a seminar. With decades of combined experience in seminar marketing, we have boiled the process down to a fool-proof formula. Whether you consider yourself a seasoned seminar veteran or you are brand new to seminars, learning and adopting these steps will generate more qualified leads for you and your business.

After each secret, we’ve listed an action item for you to implement. Remember, the number one secret to success in any endeavor is ACTION.


Secret 1 – Focus on Results

Success in Marketing is Defined by Results.

Seminar marketing is not about attendance, price, response rate or even appointments. At the end of the day, marketing is about ROI, and the money made by properly executing a campaign from start to finish. For example, let’s say you do a seminar mailing and only get 10 people to show up. On the surface, that looks like a failure, but if you close four annuity cases out of those 10 attendees at $350,000 each, that’s $1.4 million in business from one “bad” seminar! Not such a failure now is it?

When you focus on results, you get results. Not every single seminar will be a success. However, if executed properly, over time, your seminar marketing should be increasing your sales. If it’s not, be sure to speak with a marketing expert to help you determine how to maximize your results.

ACTION ITEM: Write down exactly how much business you want to close this year. What do you need to do in your marketing to achieve your goals?


Secret 2 – Landing Pages

landing page is a simple 1-page website designed to provide some relevant information about yourself, your company and your event. While they read, potential attendees will be led to an online form allowing them to register for your seminar. You can insert the URL of this landing page on your seminar invitations to provide the readers with a more approachable alternative for seminar registration.

In addition, effective landing pages will have an option for registrants to “invite a friend,” thereby increasing your response with the click of a button. You can also leverage your landing page as a platform to promote your seminar through email, social media, or other online methods. Most advisors see at least 4-10 additionalregistrations, just by having a landing page on their seminar invitation.

ACTION ITEM: Take a new headshot and a draft a bio if you don’t already have one! This will be valuable material for your landing page and will help you establish more credibility with your prospects.


Secret 3 – Have Consistency

When you conduct your seminar marketing consistently, every single month, you maximize chances of success. Once you gain momentum, it’s a whole lot easier (and more profitable) to keep the ball rolling than having stops/starts. In addition, the more consistent you are with your marketing, the more people recognize you as the leader in your industry.

ACTION ITEM: Map out exactly how many campaigns you will do this year and stick to it! Hint: Choose at least four different restaurants in separate locations.


Secret 4 – Get Leads, NOT Just RSVPs

At any given time, only a mere 3-5% of the market is actually ready and willing to become your client right now. Although your primary focus in seminar marketing should always be to get your attendance up, don’t forget to also have a “secondary offer” for those who are either unable or not quite ready to attend. One method of execution here is to include a business reply card (BRC) with your seminar invitation. BRCs allow people to register for the seminar by mail, but also include an option to receive more information in the form of a “free report.” Not only will this result in more leads, but you will also end up with additional follow-up business. And, when they are ready, you’ll be the one they call (instead of your competition!).

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