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Most Common Reasons Your Mail Isn’t Working

It’s no secret that direct mail is king; with the ability to segment exactly the customers you want and personalize your message and design, you are able to reach people in a different way than you are with email. For some reason or another, you may find that your direct mail isn’t performing as well as it used to, or perhaps you have never received the amount of responses you had imagined you would. It’s possible that your direct mail wasn’t delivered properly, explored in this blog post, but assuming your clients are receiving your mail, why aren’t you getting your desired results? It’s not the fault of direct mail as a whole, but there are likely a few changes you can implement to your direct mail campaign today in order to start getting the results you want.

You don’t include a link to a website, blog, or social media page.

Clients often want to know more about you before they reach out. They may be enticed by your mailer, but some people are interested in doing a bit of research before contacting you. Including a personal website or blog address on your direct mail gives customers the ability to learn more about your company and values. Setting up a page detailing your services can drive customers to give you a call after they’ve read up on your website. On your mailer, keep it short and simple – it’s best to get to the point. Including a website or blog is a great way to further inform customers about your business and to encourage them to learn more about it.

You are targeting the wrong people.

In order to draw in leads, you need to be targeting the right people. Often times, companies aren’t aware of precisely who is on the other end of their direct mail. You may be mailing to people who are simply too far away to attend your event and consequently wasting money. Imagine a car company sending out deals on the best car products to a group of people who only take the subway. It pays to have a report done of the demographics in the area you’re targeting and what types of people exactly are receiving your mail. Let analytics do the work for you.

Your mailers aren’t creative enough to draw clients in.

Your clients probably receive an extensive assortment of mail every day, and it’s important that you take the time to make sure yours stands out. Size matters; perhaps the postcard you are sending is too small and goes unnoticed in a stack of mail. Try a larger mailer next time, and compare results. Furthermore, it’s crucial that your mailers are designed and laid out in an attractive and easy-to-read way, with a theme that fits your purpose. Recipients of your mail will most likely read it, but it has to have an impact profound enough to make them want to contact you. Postcards, not your thing? A great way to entice clients is to send a three-dimensional piece of mail or package. Sending different types of mail or switching up your postcard design every so often can improve results dramatically.

Your mail is focused on you, not them.

Customers respond better to things that are about them. Is your mail highlighting how you are the best in the area, but doesn’t touch on how your services can improve their life? Change it up. People want to know what’s in it for them. If there isn’t a benefit spelled out on your mail, or an implication that your services will better the client’s life in some way, that may be a hint as to why you’re not receiving responses.

You aren’t mailing frequently enough.

It’s nearly impossible for you to know what’s going on in each of your client’s lives at any given time, or when they may be looking for someone like you. But, if you send direct mail with frequency instead of once in a blue moon, it’s more likely that you’ll arrive at the exact moment they need you. Set up a recurring campaign and switch up your mailer design every so often to improve results. Often times, companies send out direct mail once and wonder why it isn’t working. Don’t give up the ship – consistency leads to results.

It’s obvious that we have a soft spot for direct mail. We firmly believe it is the most effective way for you to receive the results you want for your business. In fact, we have compiled a list of the 10 Reasons Your Business Should Use Direct Mail to further explain how essential it is! We hope these recommendations were helpful and encourage you to make changes to your direct mail campaign in order to start getting the results you want. Give us a call at 1-800-992-9663 to speak with your Marketing Advisor about how to perfect your campaign today!

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