When sending a piece of mail or a package, the element of surprise is pivotal to the success of said mail. Imagine the excitement on your client’s face upon receiving a personalized package with something mysterious inside. Here at Plum, we specialize in creative campaigns and love surprising your clients. It’s a win-win; they receive a surprise package from you, and your client base starts growing! Why are we so obsessed with creative campaigns, and why should they be your secret weapon? Keep reading.
They attract leads.
Let’s be real. If a box of cookies shows up at your door, you’re not going to throw it away. You’re most likely going to read what’s inside the box and look up the company who sent it to you (after eating the cookies). Apply this concept to any other creative campaign. Your clients will be impressed that you went to lengths to mail them something so original and personal. If a potential client isn’t familiar with your services, you have the chance to rope them in with a creative campaign. Show off your commitment to your business and to customer satisfaction. You already know direct mail works, but think of this as amplified direct mail; it can’t be ignored.
They work for your budget.
No matter what your marketing budget is, we can come up with a creative campaign for you. Our team has a plethora of innovative ideas just waiting to be put into motion. From small paper surprises which can be personalized using Variable Data Printing, to food items based on the region of your clients, to large items which your clients can use for games in the office, with their families, or around the house, we can work with you to craft a perfect creative campaign that’s perfect for your needs and your budget. The best part? You are making the most of your marketing dollars. Customers are more likely to work with you and tell their friends and coworkers about what they received in the mail; that just doesn’t happen with digital marketing.
They are fun for everyone.
While creative campaigns are fun for us to come up with, they’re fun for you AND for your clients. Who doesn’t like a personalized basketball hoop, scratch tickets, or a box of treats? When your clients associate you with surprises and happiness, it’s more than just strictly business. It forges a personal relationship built on positivity and trust before they even step foot in your office. We have all the right moves to secure business for you and to make you look like a creative genius at the same time. You’re welcome!
For more information on creative campaigns, check out our website, or perhaps our blog to learn about Why We Love Variable Data Printing (hint…..you can incorporate it into your new creative campaign!). Don’t hesitate to call us today so we can figure out what kind of creative campaign is right for you. Our Marketing Advisors are standing by and ready to help you get started. 1.800.992.9663