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3 Reasons Why You Should Host Seminars More Frequently

So, you’re holding a seminar every month, but your financial advising business isn’t growing as quickly as you’d hoped…

The issue could be with the low frequency of your seminars. You may think that holding more than one seminar per month is a waste of time and money, but what you aren’t realizing is how much business you are missing out on by only giving your potential customers one night per month to hear you speak. Top producers in the financial industry are holding more than one seminar per month, and here are the three major reasons why it results in a substantial increase in business:

More dates = more options = more opportunities!

How many times have you been interested in attending some sort of event, but were unable to make it due to a prior obligation? The people who do show up to your seminar are surely not the only ones who were interested in coming. The more seminars you hold, the more options your potential attendees have to choose from- and the more likely they are to be able to attend one of them. If you are holding monthly seminars that always land on the same day of the week or time of day, you could be missing out on huge groups of people who want to come, but will never be able to go at the time you chose because of their work hours or other obligations.

More dates = more topics = more opportunities!

Another advantage that comes with planning more frequent seminars is the ability to do different types of seminars that cover different topics. Holding monthly seminars in the same area, on the same topics, targeting the same demographic won’t provide you with an ongoing stream of new clients. By holding more seminars, you have the chance to speak more in-depth on specific topics. You will find that more people will be willing to attend a seminar that speaks directly to their specific needs than something more general. More and more advisors are having success holding financial seminars dedicated to more niche audiences like women who are about to retire or for people in certain professions. You could also experiment with different locations and food offerings, or target different audiences based on income or net worth.

More dates = more brand recognition  = more opportunities!

Simply put, people trust brand names that they are familiar with. When someone decides to work with a financial advisor, they will most likely choose the one that they have heard the most about, whether it be from friends or from advertising. The more seminars you do, the more people will be talking about you and seeing your marketing materials. This increase in brand recognition leads to an increase in trust, which leads to an increase in new clients!

How Can I Efficiently Plan More Seminars?

Preparation for a seminar can take up to eight weeks, so you may be wondering: how am I supposed to plan multiple seminars per month and still have the time to give individual attention to my clients? The only way to efficiently increase your business by upping your seminar frequency is to work with a professional marketing company that will take care of time-consuming tasks.

Plum Direct Marketing has worked with thousands of financial advisors to plan and market smash-hit seminars on a regular basis. We know how to identify and target the most relevant audience for your niche and reach them with a compelling message. Our services include direct mail, online advertising, creative branding, and more! Visit our website to learn more about our services or speak to one of our dedicated marketing specialists at 1-800-992-9663.

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