Email Marketing Is Not Dead, You’re Just Doing It Wrong (& Here’s How to Fix It)

Email Marketing Is Not Dead, You’re Just Doing It Wrong (& Here’s How to Fix It)

Ever feel like your email campaigns are like sending a message in a bottle, hoping someone finds it? Well, you’re not alone. About 44% of emails that marketers send get tossed without a second glance. But don’t worry—email marketing isn’t dead. You are just doing it wrong!

So, grab your coffee, and let us tell you how you can breathe new life into your email marketing game and get those results you’ve been chasing.

Email Marketing: Alive, Kicking, and Still a Heavy Hitter

If email marketing were a movie, it’d be the “Fast & Furious” franchise—it’s been around forever, and no one knows how it keeps working, but it does. Big time.

Email Isn’t Dead (Stop Believing That Myth)

People keep declaring that email marketing is “outdated” or “irrelevant,” but that’s as accurate as saying vinyl records are obsolete (spoiler: they’re not).

Sure, inboxes are crowded, but email is still one of the most effective tools for reaching your audience, and it delivers a massive ROI—we’re talking about $42 for every $1 spent.

That’s not something you want to ignore. While social media algorithms are constantly changing, your email list is yours. You control how you reach your audience directly.

So, why are your emails falling short? It’s likely a mix of outdated tactics, poor execution, and maybe a touch of inbox fatigue. So, let’s dive a little deeper!

The Right Message, Right Time, Right Person

Let’s get one thing straight: blasting out emails to your entire list, hoping something sticks, is a strategy that belongs in the early 2000s. Today, email marketing is like being a matchmaker—you need to connect with people based on their interests, not what you want to push.

If you send the same generic email to everyone, you’re simply shooting darts in the dark!

Personalization is your new Mr. Cool in the town, and we’re not just talking about sticking someone’s name in the subject line (though that’s a good start).

Segmentation: Your Secret Weapon

If you are trying to refresh your email marketing, you need to start with segmenting your email recipients and your audience. Email segmentation is like slicing a cake—it lets you offer the best pieces to the right people. Email marketing today is not one-size-fits-all.

For instance, you can categorize your audience into the following groups: 

  • Buying behavior
  • Preferences
  • Engagement level
  • Demographics

Segmented campaigns have been shown to drive a 760% increase in revenue. Yeah, you read it right—seven hundred sixty percent. That’s the power of targeting your audience with precision.

So, What You’re Doing Wrong (And How to Fix It)

Let’s face it: if your email marketing open rates are stuck in the single digits and your click-through rates are as exciting as watching paint dry, you’re probably missing a few key tactics. Here’s what might be tripping you up and how to turn it around.

1. Your Subject Lines Are Snooze-Worthy

Your subject line is like the headline of a news article—if it’s boring, no one’s going to bother reading the rest. Yet, so many businesses treat it like an afterthought.

So, get creative. Ask questions, tease valuable content, or add a little humor (without crossing the line into spammy). Here are some examples of high-performing subject lines:

  • “Are you making these email marketing mistakes?”
  • “You won’t believe what we’ve got inside…”
  • “Time’s running out! Don’t miss out on this deal.”

And don’t be afraid to A/B test your subject lines. Try different approaches and see what resonates with your audience. Again, email marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario.

2. You’re Not Personalizing Enough

We talked about this already, but it bears repeating: personalization matters.

In a world where people are bombarded with marketing messages all day, your email needs to feel like it was written just for the recipient.

So, beyond using first names, personalize based on behavior.

Did someone recently buy a product? Send them a follow-up email with recommendations.

Did someone abandon their cart? Send a gentle reminder. The more relevant your email feels, the more likely it is to get opened. 

3. Your Emails Look Like a Hot Mess on Mobile

Did you know that 60% of email opens happen on mobile devices? If your emails aren’t optimized for mobile, you’re essentially shutting out over half your audience.

How to fix it: Design for mobile first. Use single-column layouts, make your text readable without zooming in, and ensure your call-to-action buttons are big enough for people to click with their thumbs (because no one likes accidentally clicking on the wrong link).

4. You’re Sending Too Many (or Too Few) Emails

Finding the sweet spot for how often to send emails is like finding the perfect cup of coffee—not too strong, not too weak. Send too many, and people will tune you out (or worse, unsubscribe).

Send too few, and they’ll forget you exist.

Consistency is key. Find a frequency that keeps your brand at the top of your mind without being annoying. Start with weekly or bi-weekly, but let your audience tell you what’s right. 

Look at your engagement metrics and adjust accordingly.

5. Your Emails Lack a Clear Call-to-Action

Imagine reading a great email but then unsure what to do next.

Frustrating, right? And if that sounds like one of your marketing emails, let us assure you that you’re losing out on conversions if your emails don’t have a clear call-to-action (CTA).

So, make your CTA buttons stand out.

Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Download the Guide,” or “Start Your Free Trial,” tell people exactly what action you want them to take, and make it easy to do. And don’t clutter your email with too many options—one clear, powerful CTA is better than a dozen weak ones.

Best Practices to Revamp Your Email Marketing Strategy

Now that you’ve identified what might be holding your emails back let’s talk about how to move forward. So, here are a few email marketing best practices that you need to follow if you want to boost engagement, drive conversions, and make email your MVP.

1. Automate Where It Counts

Automation works like magic, especially when you can set it and forget it.

From welcome emails to abandoned cart reminders, automation helps to send timely, relevant content without lifting a finger. However, start small. Automation works best when it feels human and relevant, so don’t go overboard on the tech at the cost of personalization.

For example, you can start by setting up a basic welcome email for new subscribers. Then, create triggered emails for common actions (like completing a purchase). And so on and so on!

2. Make It Visually Appealing

No one likes reading a wall of text. So, break up your email with visuals that enhance the message, not clutter it. Use high-quality images, but don’t overload your email with too many graphics. Include white space to make the email feel clean and easy to scan.

But still always include a text version for people who prefer it or have images turned off!

3. Test, Test, Test

Marketing without testing is like driving without a map—you might get there eventually, but it will take time. Split testing lets you compare elements to see what works best for your audience.

For example, you can start by testing subject lines, email layouts, or CTA placements.

But keep it simple—test one variable at a time.

If your click-through rate jumps by 20%, you’ll know exactly why.

4. Keep It Short and Sweet

People don’t have time for long-winded emails.

If it feels like a chore to read, they’ll hit delete faster than you can say “unsubscribe.”

Therefore, keep your message concise. Focus on one goal per email and leave out the fluff. If you can say it in fewer words, do it. Trust me, your audience will thank you.

5. Track Everything and Adjust

One of the greatest advantages of email marketing is the data it gives you.

From open rates to click-through rates and conversions, you have all the numbers you need to refine and optimize your strategy. So, regularly check your email analytics.

Are people opening your emails but not clicking through? Is your open rate abysmally low?

Maybe your content or CTAs need tweaking, or your subject lines might be the culprit. So, collect and use the data to make informed decisions and improve over time.

Wrapping It Up

Remember, email isn’t dead—it’s evolving. In fact, it is still one of the most effective tools in your marketing toolbox—but only if you do it right. You can turn your dull email campaigns into high-performing powerhouses if you simply follow the guide above.

Need more help? Then, contact us. At Plum, we are all about helping our customers simplify, streamline, and improve their marketing strategies that drive results.

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