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4 Signs Your Marketing Agency Just Isn’t That Into You

Just like a romantic relationship, your relationship with your marketing company can become stale: your needs are no longer being met, you are no longer growing, or maybe you just aren’t happy anymore. It can be hard to know when to walk away, but here are a few key signs to look out for when you think it may be time to move on from your marketing agency.

1. You’re not receiving the results you want.

Similar to when it’s going south with your partner, it’s tough to know when to call it quits with your marketing company. The good thing is that with marketing, numbers and statistics are proof of the results you’re getting, rather than the cold shoulder and unreturned calls. Often times, marketing companies make empty promises and you’re not receiving the ROI that you had expected. Staying with a company that’s not giving you what you want will only get worse over time, so it’s best to get out as soon as you realize it. A great marketing agency will help you create a plan to achieve your business goals and will work to reach them alongside you. Are your results consistently lower than what you had hoped? It’s time to move on.

2. You don’t feel personally connected to your marketing agency.

We all know how it feels when the spark just isn’t there. Try as you may, but maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. One of the most important factors when selecting a marketing agency is whether or not they align with the values of your company. You should be excited about the campaigns being produced for your business – not disappointed. Your agency should show passion and drive to see your company succeed. If they don’t, it may be because they have too many clients and don’t have time to be passionate about your business. Like a romantic relationship, find a great marketing company that will take the time to get to know you, your goals, and the values that are important to you. If they don’t care enough to do that, it’s time for a marketing agency that does.

3. Your online marketing strategy doesn’t change from year to year.

As technology evolves, customers continue to access digital media in different ways. Often times, marketing teams continue to go with what works – or what is easy – for fear of trying something new, or because of a lack of new ideas. In love and in marketing, be confident that you deserve better. You deserve a marketing team that is committed to your improvement, which will analyze your past results and improve targeting in order to increase your ROI. One which evolves along with the times and along with your changing goals and needs. One who can understand and anticipate changes in the digital world, and adjust your campaign accordingly (hint: it’s us).


4. You are smarter than they are.

Having a partner you consistently outsmart is fun – for a short time. But wouldn’t it be nice if the tables turned once in a while? If you feel that you have many creative ideas and tips which you share with your marketing agency – more so than they do with you, it may be time to look elsewhere. A marketing team should be your creative powerhouse – always generating new ideas and always trying to come up with the best solutions for your needs. They are supposed to take the lead – if you can do without them, you should find someone new.

We can help you move on.

We know break-ups are hard – but trust us when we say that you deserve better. The marketing for your company shouldn’t be stale; it should be fresh, unique, and rewarding for both of you. If this isn’t the case, it’s time to say goodbye to them, and hello to someone new! We might know someone. If you’re ready to move on, fill out our web form. We’ll give you a call within the hour (M-F 9-5 EST) – we promise we won’t leave you hanging. Want more? Check out our post on another one of our passions (besides you) – Why We Love Variable Data Printing.

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